God Provides

December 5, 2009 at 4:15 am (Faith, Learning, Life, N Iraq, Uncategorized)


Last year, when God said go to Sulimanyah, I said yes, not knowing where the money was going to come from. God gave me supporters…It was thousands of dollars, and when I got back, I still owed over $1,000. 

God provided. Almost to the very penny when I got back.

So, when He called me back here this year, for a longer period of time, I questioned where the  money was going to come from. Heck, being here over the past few months, periodically, I still questioned how it was all going to get paid off!

How dare I? How dare I when He had just shown me His provision in a powerful way! When will I learn??

The Courtney’s agreed to let me live with them and eat with them in exchange for sometimes watching their children. This was a huge blessing, because that accounts for most of my expenses here.


In the beginning, God gave me supporters with generous donations. Some big, some small, all generous. Even with these generous donations I am very grateful for, I left with over $3,000 still left in debt, not yet accounted for.


I received an email about a week ago, saying I still owed a little under $3,000.

I received another email this week saying that there was $750 that hadn’t been included yet, so it dropped me to a little under $2,000 thanks to donations from my church in Waco and from an anonymous donor, of whom I am very grateful for.


Last Friday, I found $110 dollars that I had hidden away when I left America that I didn’t know I had.


Yesterday, as I was counting what I had made teaching English here and various other small, random jobs, I realized that it was going to be enough to cover the rest of the balance. Perfectly.


Thank you, Lord!

And thank all of you who have supported me. Prayerfully, financially,etc. I am beyond grateful.


  1. matt said,

    Funny how much of discipleship is us being reminded of what we already know. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. Jess said,

    All the while He was using you to provide for us! Thanks for all you did here with Emma and Micah. They still ask about you daily. I hope you are enjoying being home. We love you!

    • failingandfalling said,


      I miss you all too! Ugh, I can’t believe I’m not going to see you guys everyday. It’s weird.

  3. Brandon said,

    Awesome testimony to God’s provision. And you would forget that you had 110 dollars stashed away:P

    • failingandfalling said,

      You know me well. 🙂 Oh, and I have a story to tell you when I see you…

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