Since you last saw me…

November 19, 2009 at 2:31 am (Hilarious, Joy, Life, N Iraq, Preemptive love)

Ashley once did a “since you last saw me post”. I thought is was genius. So, I’m going to shamelessly copy her:

  1. Ashley and I filmed a commercial for a local salon. After teased hair, orange skin, WAY too much make-up, 1 manicure, and 1 pedicure…we filmed a commercial. (And had to go teach class like that. My student who speaks the least English said: “You look very beautiful today.” Interesting.)
  2. The celebration after Ramadan: It was so fun to see the city alive again!! People were everywhere…kids riding horses…everyone dressed in fancy new clothes…chocolate being passed out all over the place…it was so fun!
  3. Cats invaded. Many of you may know of my distain for cats. And they are currently EVERYWHERE. They multiplied and there are cats all around our street. (And if you leave a door open..beware…they will come in.)
  4. PLC sent 3 kids to surgery successfully!
  5. Emma and Jenna have now learned letters J, M, E, N, A, E, I, O, U, L, R, S, T, and now P. Whoot!
  6. We had a rodeo in pre-school. (Including calf-roping, barrel races, oil relays, quick draws…)
  7. I have finished teaching 2 classes at Millennium (where I teach adults English at night) and am on my 3rd.
  8. A new, BIG grocery opened
  9. No one could ever find season 2 of lost. At least, a non-corrupted version.
  10. Matt and Cayla came and went. (Although they are coming back!)
  11. Jessica, Jeremy and Cayla had birthdays
  12. Micah turned 2.
  13. Josh left. 😦
  14. Jeff and Erin had their baby!
  15. Ashley and I made sorbet. It took 8 hours and I don’t think I’ll ever do it again, but you know…it wasn’t half bad.
  16. It rained for 5 days straight!! It. was. awesome!
  17. It cooled off and is actually kind of cold.
  18. Showhan taught us how to make yuprah and shifta. Way more work than I thought.
  19. Bella, the beloved dance video Michael loves (and hated by everyone else), has been replaced successfully by a video about balls. Thank goodness.
  20. Micah talks more everyday and learns new words all the time. Our new favorite is “shooey, shooey, cat!” Thanks, Ash!
  21. Emma is like a sponge and just soaks up everything. She only has to hear Bible verses once (so far) and knows them. She learns sooo much sooo fast. It’s crazy cool!
  22. Ruth, whose Irish, has now been 2 America twice since I left America.
  23. Ashley and moved back out of the Courtney’s house into the Priors.
  24. We moved back to the Courtneys. (Although, when Ruth gets back, we will move back across the street.)
  25. A giant hole was dug in front of house in the street. No one knows why.
  26. Ashley and I finished Friends. Seasons 3-10.

Ok, I think that’s more than anyone wanted to know…I’d say I’d try to be better about posting…but I’m trying not to make promises I’m unlikely to keep…so let’s just say, “Inshallah, I’ll post more often”


  1. matt said,

    You have a BLOG!?!?! Wow…did I know this at one time? (miss you, again)

  2. Cayla said,

    So good to hear from Angel again!!!!

    Why are you guys back across the street?

    and a rodeo!? man, im missing out.

  3. failingandfalling said,

    aww. man, I miss you two..

    you are much loved here! and we are moving to be with Ruth, as she comes back tomorrow.

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